Hui Cai, Zhi-Hua Huang, Lei Shi, Peng Zou, Yu-Fen Zhao, Horst Kunz* and Yan-Mei Li*
"Synthesis of Tn/T Antigen MUC1 Glycopeptide BSA Conjugates and their Evaluation as Vaccines"
European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2011, 3685-3689
Hui Cai, Zhi-Hua Huang, Lei Shi, Zhan-Yi Sun, Yu-Fen Zhao, Horst Kunz* and Yan-Mei Li*
"Variation of the Glycosylation Pattern in MUC1 Glycopeptide BSA Vaccines and its Influence on the Immune Response"
Angewandte Chemie- International Edition 2012, 51(7), 1719-1723
"Variation des Glycosylierungsmusters von Vakzinen aus MUC1-Glycopeptiden und Rinderserumalbumin (BSA) und der Einfluss auf die Immunreaktion"
Angewandte Chemie 2012, 124(7), 1751-1755
Hui Cai, Mei-Sha Chen, Zhan-Yi Sun, Yu-Fen Zhao, Horst Kunz* and Yan-Mei Li*
"Self-Adjuvanting Synthetic Antitumor Vaccines from MUC1 Glycopeptides Conjugated to T-Cell Epitopes from Tetanus Toxoid"
Angewandte Chemie- International Edition 2013
Hui Cai, Zhan-Yi Sun, Zhi-Hua Huang, Lei Shi, Yu-Fen Zhao, Horst Kunz* and Yan-Mei Li*
“Fully Synthetic Self-Adjuvanting Thioether-Conjugated Glycopeptide-Lipopeptide Antitumor Vaccines for the Induction of Complement Dependent Cytotoxicity against Tumor Cells”
Chemistry - A European Journal 2013, 19, p1962-1970
Hui Cai, Zhi-Hua Huang, Lei Shi, Yu-Fen Zhao, Horst Kunz* and Yan-Mei Li*
“Towards a Fully Synthetic MUC1-Based Anticancer Vaccine: Efficient Conjugation of Glycopeptides with Mono-, Di- and Tetravalent Lipopeptides by Click Chemistry”
Chemistry - A European Journal 2011, 17, pp6396-6406
Zhi-Hua Huang, Lei Shi, Jing-Wen Ma, Zhan-Yi Sun, Hui Cai, Yong-Xiang Chen, Yu-Fen Zhao, and Yan-Mei Li*
“A totally synthetic, self-assembling, adjuvant-free, MUC1 glycopeptide vaccine for cancer therapy”
Journal of American Chemical Society 2012, 134(21), 8730-8733